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Traducir Inglés Árabe ذَكَره بالاسم

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  • My name was in the paper?
    ذكر اسمى فى الصحف؟ -
  • And who remembers the Name of his Lord, so he prays.
    وذكر اسم ربه فصلى
  • Well, Newton's mentioned.
    (ذكر اسم (نيوتن
  • Or did he ever mention the name roman?
    أو ذكر اسم رومان؟
  • Just his name is enough...
    فقط يكفي ذكر اسمه
  • You dare speak his name?
    أتتجرؤ على ذكر اسمه؟
  • His name is Swifty.
    انها ذكر اسمه زبــــزى
  • Did my ne come up at all?
    هل ذكر أسمي؟
  • Ryan called me Allie.
    ريان ذكر اسمي
  • Did he happen to mention his girlfriend's name?
    هل ذكر إسم صديقته؟